
Offres d'emploi

Nos consultants écoutent vos aspirations afin de pouvoir à leur tour partager votre histoire avec les entreprises les plus réputées de France. Écrivons ensemble le prochain chapitre de votre carrière.

Voir toutes les offres d'emploi


Les plus grands employeurs de France nous font confiance pour recruter rapidement et efficacement des personnes répondant à leurs besoins. Consultez l'ensemble de nos services et ressources sur mesure.

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Offres d'emploi

Nos consultants écoutent vos aspirations afin de pouvoir à leur tour partager votre histoire avec les entreprises les plus réputées de France. Écrivons ensemble le prochain chapitre de votre carrière.

Voir toutes les offres d'emploi

Les plus grands employeurs de France nous font confiance pour recruter rapidement et efficacement des personnes répondant à leurs besoins. Consultez l'ensemble de nos services et ressources sur mesure.

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À propos de Robert Walters France

Pour nous, le recrutement est plus qu'un travail. Derrière chaque opportunité se cache la possibilité de faire une différence dans la vie des professionnels.

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Travailler chez nous

Nos collaborateurs font la différence. Lisez leur témoignages pour en savoir plus sur une carrière chez Robert Walters France.

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Modern Slavery Policy

Policy statement

Robert Walters New Zealand Ltd (Robert Walters) is firmly committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics, honesty, openness and accountability. We recognise that all of our staff have an important role to play in achieving this goal.

This Policy is intended to provide an overview of the approach Robert Walters follows in respect of modern slavery practices.

Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is a term used to define a range of exploitive practices including:

  • Human trafficking
  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Forced marriage
  • Worst forms of child labour
  • Debt bondage


Robert Walters recognises that modern slavery distorts global economies, affects corporate social responsibility and has devastating social impacts on the community.


Robert Walters has a zero-tolerance approach to any imposition of, or connection to, modern slavery and human trafficking. This policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in respect of our staff, business relationships and the community in general.

Robert Walters is committed to ensuring that none of its business units is engaged in modern slavery. We conduct annual audits of wages, salaries and employment conditions of our employees and labour hire workers to ensure compliance with New Zealand workplace laws.

In addition, Robert Walters conducts regular audits of its supply chain and adopts procedures and prevention measures to ensure that we do not indirectly contribute to modern slavery.

Apart from internal and external audits, Robert Walters also relies on the following policies to assist in managing the risks of modern slavery:

  • Whistleblower Policy;
  • Ethical Conduct Policy;
  • Code of Conduct Policy;
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Policy; and
  • Social Accountability Policy.



An individual who suspects Robert Walters has breached this Policy must immediately notify Legal at

An individual can make an anonymous disclosure in accordance with Robert Walters’ Whistleblower Policy.

Breach of Policy

Any breach of this Policy will be taken seriously and conduct in contravention of this Policy may be regarded as misconduct, leading to disciplinary action.

Last updated: December 2022